Wednesday, May 27, 2015

We are introduced to Ray Stevens

Here's a fun story for you today.  Russ & I got married in Atlanta, and his sister Linda had just recently purchased a new car.  (Russ was driving her very old old car.)  His parents persuaded Linda that it would be good for her car to have a road trip (this could be totally false--I don't really know) so she loaned us the car for our trip.  The car had 2 Ray Stevens cassette tapes (remember those?) in it and we listened to those back and forth across the country.  We still will say lines from 2 of them to each other.  Ahhh...fond memories.  

I'm worried about  my hair!

I want to sing and dance

Another memory from the trip.  Margaret had gotten on some health kick where she ate tremendous amounts of carrots and apples.  Also Margaret (like Rachel) has no sense of smell.  At night while we were driving across the country and she was sleeping (she drove there with us but not back, obviously) she would fart, fart, fart.  Russ said that one time he had the window down and his head hanging out, the smell was so bad in the car!

Two more favorite Ray Stevens Songs....